Can one thought bring a decision? Can one decision take on an action? Can one action change the world? There is a man who can answer that question.
Abraham was a just man in the sight of the Lord. He followed God where God led him to go. But, did Abraham do everything the Lord told him to do? Abraham took a pit stop in the land of Egypt. There was a famine in the land. Abraham and his family needed food and water. He went to the land that could supply all his needs. While Abraham was enjoying the fruit of the land, his wife Sarah was taken to the Pharaoh. God intervened and restored Sarah to Abraham.
Sadly to say, Abraham picked up a person in Egypt. Sarah had an handmaiden from Egypt. When Sarah saw that she could not bare any children, she asked Abraham to take her handmaiden and bare children through her. In Abraham's day, a women needed to have children to show the blessing of the Lord and to have respect. A man who did not have children especially sons, was considered an outcast. With a heavy heart, Abraham conceded to his wife request and laid down with a woman who was not his wife nor with the person God promised the seed to come through.

What could happen? It was only a child that was born. A baby boy is not that dangerous. A child is not destructive at all. That is what Abraham believed. Little did he know the strife that would cause.
Tension grew between the two women. Abraham got rid of the handmaid once but was sent back by the Lord. Thirteen years later, Abraham had to let the handmaid and his first born son leave. For Sarah's and the handmaid's son could not grow up together. Sadly, this children became a father of a great and strong nation.
Ishmaelites were the nation that bought Joseph when his brothers sold him. Tension had grown over the centuries between Ismael and the Ishmaelites. The Ishmaelites today are known as Arabs. What could be wrong with Arabs? Nothing. The Arabs and the Israelites are still feuding today. Their anger and hatred of each goes all the way back to Abraham's lack of faith in the Lord.
Who knew that such hatred could come from one child? That one decision to do things your way would bring about wars and massacres? That a simple choice would change the world? That one thought about how the Lord has forgotton you would bring destruction to the world? Remember what you do can and will effect the generations after you. You might not see the effects now, but they will come.
When Jesus preached the sermon on the mount, He knew that people's thoughts controlled their actions. |
Remember; to him that knowth to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin. Please remember that the tiniest thought has a reaction. What will your reaction and ripple be?