Monday, November 28, 2016

One God, One Love, Can Save All

    Could one person change the whole world? Would one action change everything? Would one person be the answer to everyone's cries? The answer is yes.

    Because of two people, sin was passed unto the entire world. There is none that doeth good, no not one. There is no one that is righteous. The world is filled with sin and sinners. The question might come to mind, why would a loving God let this happen to His creation?.... Why is the world filled with sin?... God truly loves everyone but it was mankind's choice to sin. God did provide a way for mankind to be saved. As prophesied in Isaiah 53, God would send a Suffering Servant who would take the punishment for every one's sin.

    One man, Jesus Christ came to seek and to save that which was lost. Jesus was the Son of God. He was perfect. Never once, did He commit a sin. Jesus was the picture of the perfect lamb. The substitution for man kind. Before Jesus's death, He was beat with the Cat of Nine Tails. His back was stretched out to rip off the skin. Vinegar was poured on Him to burn His body. His beard was plucked off His face. Isaiah said that Jesus would be mard and unwanted. God had to look down to the Earth and see His Son hurt. God let His Son be put to death on the cross because of His love for the world. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotton Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlating life. People only need to call on God. Now, that is love. It takes one action for sin to enter the world and it took one person to defeat death and sin.

One God, One Love,
can save all

Monday, November 21, 2016

One Rest. One Look. Forever Changed.

    Could it take one look to change your life? Could it be that one look will change your future and your family's future? One would quick thought of staying home affect your life in a deep way? There is only one person to ask.

    King David stayed home during a time of war. He thought that it would be okay to miss a few battles. After all, David was king; wasn't he? What would be so bad.... One night, David took a stroll in the castle. He ended up on the roof looking down at his kingdom. The sight must have been beautiful with the streets lite by candle light. Then, his eye saw something. David saw a woman bathing herself upon the roof.

    David called for his men to bring the woman to him. Bathsheba was a very beautiful woman. David's men warned him that she was already married. Sadly, David did not listen to the men and slept with her. David soon found out that Bathsheba was with child. David wanted to hide his sin. He called for her husband Uriah to come to honor him. Uriah would not meet with his wife knowing that his men were fighting a battle. Uriah could not enjoy please if his men could not do the same.

    David sent Uriah to the front lines to be killed. David caused a man to be murdered and his wife to grieve. David married Bathsheba hoping that no one would suspect that the child was before Uriah death.

    The prophet Nathan visited David for his actions on behalf of the Lord. Nathan told the king that the sword would not depart from his house. The child that Bathsheba bore would die. Though the Lord forgave David of his sin, there would be consequences. Later on, David's daughter was raped by her half brother. One of David's sons killed the brother who defiled their sister. Later on, that same son thought to over throw his dad and become king before he met his death.

    King David went through a tough time. His family caused him many hardships. There was some good passed through his family. The Messiah would come from his line but David would not be around to see it. I am sure David had some lonely nights when he was fleeing from his son. Some of his children broke his heart.

    The though of the day is, what do your eyes see that effects your life? Do you let your eyes control your life? It could be one look that will change your entire life and future, Please do not let David's life be your life in the area of the eyes.

Does Your Eye Control
Your Life?

Monday, November 14, 2016

One Decision. One Action. Everything changes.

    Can one thought bring a decision? Can one decision take on an action? Can one action change the world? There is a man who can answer that question.

    Abraham was a just man in the sight of the Lord. He followed God where God led him to go. But, did Abraham do everything the Lord told him to do? Abraham took a pit stop in the land of Egypt. There was a famine in the land. Abraham and his family needed food and water. He went to the land that could supply all his needs. While Abraham was enjoying the fruit of the land, his wife Sarah was taken to the Pharaoh. God intervened and restored Sarah to Abraham.

    Sadly to say, Abraham picked up a person in Egypt. Sarah had an handmaiden from Egypt. When Sarah saw that she could not bare any children, she asked Abraham to take her handmaiden and bare children through her. In Abraham's day, a women needed to have children to show the blessing of the Lord and to have respect. A man who did not have children especially sons, was considered an outcast. With a heavy heart, Abraham conceded to his wife request and laid down with a woman who was not his wife nor with the person God promised the seed to come through.

    What could happen? It was only a child that was born. A baby boy is not that dangerous. A child is not destructive at all. That is what Abraham believed. Little did he know the strife that would cause.

    Tension grew between the two women. Abraham got rid of the handmaid once but was sent back by the Lord. Thirteen years later, Abraham had to let the handmaid and his first born son leave. For Sarah's and the handmaid's son could not grow up together. Sadly, this children became a father of a great and strong nation.

    Ishmaelites were the nation that bought Joseph when his brothers sold him. Tension had grown over the centuries between Ismael and the Ishmaelites. The Ishmaelites today are known as Arabs. What could be wrong with Arabs? Nothing. The Arabs and the Israelites are still feuding today. Their anger and hatred of each goes all the way back to Abraham's lack of faith in the Lord.

    Who knew that such hatred could come from one child? That one decision to do things your way would bring about wars and massacres? That a simple choice would change the world? That one thought about how the Lord has forgotton you would bring destruction to the world? Remember what you do can and will effect the generations after you. You might not see the effects now, but they will come.

When Jesus preached the sermon
on the mount, He knew that
people's thoughts controlled
their actions.
    Remember; to him that knowth to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin. Please remember  that the tiniest thought has a reaction. What will your reaction and ripple be?

Monday, November 7, 2016

A Bite of an Apple?

    Could one action change the whole world? Would the world changed instant? Or would it be a slow change? The two people you could ask would be Adam and Eve.

    When God made the whole world, He made everything perfect. The sun, the moon, the stars, the plants, the trees, the animals, and humans. There was nothing bad on the earth. Everything was perfect. God made Eve out of Adam's side to serve as the perfect helper. Someone Adam could look to as an equal to love. Their marriage was perfect until Satan tempted Eve through a serpent.

    The serpent told Eve to look at the fruit of the Garden. She could have whatever fruit she wanted expect of the tree of good and evil. Eve saw with her eyes. The fruit looked so good that she touched it. After Eve saw and touched the fruit; she pressed it against her lips and did eat.Then Eve brought the fruit unto her husband and he ate of the fruit as well. What would happen? It is just a piece of fruit. What would God do to two people eating something He said no to?

    The pain was more than what Adam and Eve could bare. The serpent was punished to slither on his belly. Adam was cursed to til the ground and to eat of it. Now, when he would work the ground, he would sweat. Not only work would be hard but thorns would grow from the ground. To Eve, God commanded that he child birth would be very painful. Was this all the causes of Adam's and Eve's sin?

    Sadly, this was just the beginning of their reaping. Their son, Cain committed the first murder. Cain killed his brother Abel. Soon the world would be corrupted with evil. Adam and Eve's sin was passed unto the entire world. "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; an so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:" Romans 5:12. and Roman 3:23 says "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." Who knew that because of one action, there would be so many problems in the world?

    Just remember when there is something that you want to do for yourself, will it help the people around you? Or will it cause everyone pain like Adam and Eve? Everyone is responsible for the actions that they take. So, please make your actions a good one.

What will your butterfly leave behind?