Monday, October 24, 2016

A Shake Passed Around the World

What would you do at your work if a lady came to you crying? What if this situation happened at a drive through? What would be the result? Let’s take a look and see….

    The Whitey’s Ice Cream shop in Moline, Illinois has its own butterfly effect. The manager Rhonda, wanted to have a special ice cream shop. She taught every employee how to serve and be serve everyone with kindness. Her message of kindness, she passed down to Brenden. Brenden McGee was 16 when he landed his first job. He wasn’t working there long when a lady sobbing drove up to the drive-thru window. She was upset and could barely speak. Through communication, Brenden understood the lady wanted a shake. Brenden personally made her the shake and told the lady “Your shake is on me tonight. You have a good night.”

Brenden's back room note
    Brenden did not think of the situation till a few days later when the lady returned to the shop but this time, to speak to the manager, Rhonda. The lady told Rhonda that she recently lost her husband and was still in mourning. When Brenden gave the lady the shake, she was touched by his gesture.

    The lady asked if Brenden could be employ of the month but Whitney’s Ice Cream Shop does not have an employee of the month. The management instead gave Brenden a card and note in the back room.

    Two months later, Brenden heard the news that he had cancer. People from all over the world gave money to Brenden through the GoFundMe and Facebook. For Brenden’s kindness, he was also able to receive a four year scholarship to go to the University of Iowa.

    One company taught a young man about kindness that reached out unto the entire nation. What have you taught someone? What has someone learned from you?

And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted,
forgiving one another, even as God for Christ sake hath
forgiven you.
Ephesians 4:32

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